Tuesday, 15 March 2011

"We Need Those to Feed People" say Council who Arrested Girls for Picking Daffodils

THREE GIRLS arrested for picking flowers in a park in Poole were today told by the council that they had taken food away from the borough's residents. Poole Council chiefs told the girls' parents that due to various reasons, but mostly to do with the Government, they'd forgotten to leave enough money to provide food to poorer families. The council then decided that it would feed its residents with flowers it could get from the town's parks.

The girls were given Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, which require them to be accompanied by a member of the National Trust every time they are within 50m of a park, forest or other green space. A police spokesman said: "We hope the tutting and disapproving looks will stop them ravaging any more of our parks."

The girls' mother, in a statement, said: "I can fully agree that feeding poor people flowers is a wonderful solution to screwing up the finances of the town. But arresting my children for it? They could have been inquisitive deer, or something." 

James Freeman, Council chairman, told the Bubble: "We take theft of food from hungry families very seriously. Well, aside from when we do it." 

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